brekke emmit's Fundraiser

brekke emmit's Fundraiser

Join us in preserving a vital resource for our community! Our beloved library, a cornerstone of knowledge, creativity, and connection, is in need of urgent support. With your help, we can ensure it continues to serve as a hub for education, inspiration, geometry dash and community activities for years to come.

Our Goal:

We aim to raise $50,000 to cover essential renovations, update our book collection, and enhance our digital resources. Your generous contributions will help us achieve this goal and make a lasting impact on our community.

Why We Need Your Help:

  • Building Repairs: Our library building is over 50 years old and requires significant repairs to the roof, heating system, and electrical wiring to ensure it remains safe and accessible.
  • Updated Resources: We strive to provide our patrons with the latest books, magazines, and digital materials. Funding will allow us to expand our collection and meet the diverse interests of our community members.
  • Educational Programs: Donations will support our wide range of educational programs, from children's storytime and literacy workshops to adult learning classes and technology training.
  • Community Events: We host numerous events that bring people together, such as author readings, cultural festivals, and community discussions. Your support will enable us to continue offering these enriching experiences.

How Your Donation Helps:

  • $25 can purchase new books for our collection.
  • $50 can provide materials for children's educational programs.
  • $100 can support technology upgrades, such as new computers and software.
  • $500 can contribute to essential building repairs and maintenance.

Special Thank You:

We deeply appreciate every contribution, no matter the size. As a token of our gratitude, donors who contribute $100 or more will receive a personalized thank-you card from our library staff and recognition on our website's donor wall.

Spread the Word:

Even if you cannot contribute financially, you can still help by sharing our fundraiser with your friends, family, and social networks. Every share brings us closer to our goal!

Donation Information:

To donate, please visit our online donation page or send a check to [Library's Address]. All contributions are tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your records.

Contact Us:

For more information about our fundraiser or to learn more about how you can get involved, please contact us at [Library's Email] or call [Library's Phone Number].


Our community library has been a beacon of knowledge and connection for generations. With your support, we can continue to provide a safe, welcoming space for learning, growth, and community engagement. Thank you for helping us keep the doors of opportunity open for everyone.


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63 days left

Fundraiser created by
brekke emmit
8, PA


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